If you file an objection to something based on correct procedures not being followed it might behoove you to make sure the documents you file are correct themselves. Brad Wurth and Dennis Frank learned that Monday in a hearing held by the McLean County Electoral Board.
Wurth and Frank objected to petitions to run for Unit 5 School Board filed by Mark Stephen Adams II and Alex Williams. Adams and Williams were represented by Eric M. Madiar.
Early in his career Madiar served as Assistant Legal Counsel to Michael J. Madigan. More recently he was Chief Legal Counsel to Illinois Senate President John J. Cullerton.
Madiar is known as a statehouse guru and has numerous connections in the Illinois House and Senate. He is an expert on public pension reform legislation and also drafted the rules for the impeachment of former Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Madiar raised a preliminary motion to strike and dismiss both Objectors petitions. He argued both objectors failed to provide their address on the objecting petitions they submitted.
The board conducted deliberations as part of the open hearing and unanimously voted that the objecting petitions were invalid. Madiar’s motions to strike and dismiss were granted. The Board based it’s decision on 10 ILCS 5/10-8 which states what an objector’s petition shall contain is mandatory and requires strict compliance.
Both Adams and Williams will be on the ballot on April 4th.