Selected among 5 outstanding youth, Jakayla Sculfield has been named the Youth of the Year by Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal. The Youth of the Year title is a prestigious honor bestowed upon an exemplary young person in recognition of leadership, service, academic excellence and dedication to live a healthy lifestyle. Now in its 73rd year, the Youth of the Year program honors our nation’s most awe-inspiring young people on their path to great futures and encourages all kids to lead, succeed and inspire. Jakayla will go on to contend for the Illinois Youth of the Year title and a $5,000 college scholarship from Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
“Becoming Youth of the Year is an exciting and inspiring journey,” said Tony Morstatter, CEO, Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal, “We are proud to have Jakayla representing us on this adventure.”
Jakayla has been a member of the Club since moving to the neighborhood in 2010. The Club has connected her with many other youth serving organizations including Girl Scouts, Project Oz and 4-H.
Jakayla is passionate about her community as well as making people feel good about themselves. As a child she loved doing hair and make-up and aspired to be a cosmetologist. She participated in Funtology, an interactive cosmetology, barbering, nails and skin care program for youth at the Club.
While she still is pursing hair and skin care as a hobby, she has shifted her focus and is looking forward to starting her nurses training at Bloomington Area Career Center in the fall. She seeks to be a pediatric nurse after attending Heartland Community College and Illinois Wesleyan University once graduating from Bloomington High School.
Jakayla has been a committed, loyal participant of the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal since she was 5 years old. She mentored other participants and often volunteers to lead projects that benefit the well-being of others. She is also an active member of the Project Oz program HYPE (Helping Youth Progress and Excel). HYPE students led arts and culture programs, teach safety tips and develop
information campaigns. She has been a positive member of the community, modeling the way for her peers and others.
If Jakayla wins at the state competition, she will compete for the title of Midwest Region Youth of the Year and an additional $10,000 college scholarship. Five regional winners will advance to Washington, D.C. in September 2020, to compete for the title of Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s National Youth of the Year. The National Youth of the Year will receive an additional scholarship of $25,000.
The Youth of the Year recognition program is presented by The Walt Disney Company, who has supported Boys & Girls Clubs of America for more than 50 years, empowering young people to reach their full potential and providing youth with access to the tools they need to build the great futures they imagine. Toyota is the Signature Sponsor of the national Youth of the Year program.
For more information about the Youth of the Year program, visit www.youthoftheyear.org.